Name of Avadian : Amadi{Meaning Rejoice} Pronounced Ah-Mah-Dye
Gender : Female
History :
Amadi was born in a time of celebration. A light cream color, with small marks of tan. A few white stripes ran down her muzzle, ending at her tail. Light blue eyes that shimmered inquisitively. She could hear the Avaydians outside the den cheering and roaring exuberantly. But Amadi only listened. Not that the young chirpling could make much noise anyways, she was only a few days old, but much quieter then most other chirplings. As if the young chirpling was taking in everything, learning at her frail age. Amadi's mother came into the den, giving Amadi an affectionate lick on the ear. "My Madi{Mah-Dye}", she whispered; all of her love flowing out with those two words. The small chirpling had barely made a sound since she was born, but it did not bother her mother. After checking she was ok, the mother went back out into the celebration. She would never be back.
Growing up without a mother had not been hard for Amadi. The only thing she could remember of her mother was her voice. And how she loved remembering that voice. It had been filled with compassion, and love; unlike any other female she had ever met. Amadi was passed from female to female as she grew up. None of them would keep her for long, they grew nervous of her. Amadi had a habit of sitting somewhere for a whole day, deep in concentration. She would never go and play with the other chirplings. In reality, Amadi was smarter than most of the females who assumed the role of her foster parent. Unknown to them, she had a deep connection to the spirits, the elders, the earth. She could hear them. Sometimes, she would think she was hearing the voice of her mother; in the whispering in the wind, or the trickling of the river. She would hear only one word that her mother had told her so long ago, "Madi", though it was full of love and affection. The only word needed to say everything.
Not having any formal parenting, Amadi wasn't very sociable, and didn't really know how to act around others. But what she did know was that Avaydia was in trouble. The spirits were begging for help. The humans above had heard rumours of Avaydia--how that was possible, Amadi did not know. The humans wanted to capture an Avaydian, to come into Avaydia, and capture them all. Humans wanted to learn about Avaydians, and sell their pelts for money. But the voices told Amadi that this could all be stopped. This destruction didn't need to happen. And Amadi could help. They told her this, and taught her the ways of the ancient. They also told her that others would join against the humans. Amadi would meet them soon. And she would be ready
Art of Amadi:

By Gai. <3

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