the original, by Spotty

 Siberian Husky
That single day encompasses the worst moments of my life. On that wretched day, I am doomed to the fate of being a prop. Not a prop like in a play, but a Halloween night prop. I am forced to go out on that night, and 'scare' children and adults alike. Not in the confines of a haunted house; which would be a lesser suffering. But instead, everywhere I go. Sent out into the streets; forced to act like a scary creature I was created to be.

There is only one problem with that. I am not scary in any way. How can a pink and cream colored husky be scary? They can't. And I certainly know that first hand. I try, I really do. It pains me that I cannot fufill the sole purpose I was created for.

"Mommy, look at the puppy!"
"Can I pet it?
"Please, can we take it home?"

These are the phrases that cause me to slink about, hiding in the shadows with my tail between my legs. Shame. I think that I have felt it more than any other creature. I am pulled by instinct to this place, every year I subject myself to this fate.

This Halloween will be different.
I will find a way to reverse this fate. I will live the rest of my life without Halloween, or die trying. My mind has been set, and it will not change.

Lila is very bright, though generally she doesn't have a chance to show it. Sometimes she can seem detatched from her surroundings, because her 'peers' don't interest her. Inside, Lila resents her situation; though outwardly she tried to make the best of it. She is very relaxed, and doesn't enjoy the lively and impulsive act she has to put on.


By me

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